Barton Institute Listens

During the last few months, our team at the Barton Institute has been working with Julia Alvarez and Carolyne Ashe from Point b(e) Strategies to determine what our best approach should be to help support community entrepreneurs who are on the pathway to creating safe community spaces. 

We’ve already spoken with folks from a wide range of backgrounds and areas of expertise and interest, and the conversations continue! 

The questions we’re asking include:

  • What supports or investments do you think are most necessary to support emerging leaders or social entrepreneurs, particularly those with historically marginalized identities?

  • The Barton Institute is deeply invested in supporting the creation of safe community spaces. How do you define safe community spaces?

  • Who is already doing amazing work creating safe community spaces?

We will be gathering this input and analyzing the results over the next two months and plan to report on our findings at the end of April.

If you have anything to add to the conversation, please contact


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